Secret Men’s Business | ANZA

Secret Men’s Business or SMB is made up primarily of male trailing spouses of all ages, backgrounds and stages of life looking for a round of golf or a catch up with like minded, friendly blokes over a couple of beers. The group’s main activity is golf, which they play twice a week, usually on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Sembawang Country Club. We also venture over to Johor Bahru to play a round from time to time. The sports minded group also meets up for the occasional game of squash, walking and tennis.

The group holds regular catch ups, usually for lunch, as well as spontaneous social gatherings throughout the year, often with their partners. “Basically, if you’re a male you’re welcome to join us for a round of golf and/or a few beers from time to time,” says organiser Mike Sabey. “Settling into a new country can be difficult if you don’t know too many people, especially for trailing spouses, so this is one avenue to help you in this area.”

SMB also has a charitable side – pitching in with working bees and passing the hat or fundraising for their designated charity – Children’s Aid Society.

Registration to Secret Men’s Business is only available to ANZA members. Click here to Join ANZA!
