Social PickleBall | ANZA

Pickleball is taking the world by storm!

Played on a court with players of two or four, it’s fast moving, heaps of fun, and will get your fitness levels up! It might just be your new sporting obsession.

The ANZA Social Pickleball group meets up on various days and times, at centrally located courts for a fun hit in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. All levels of players are welcome, however this group is not suitable for complete beginners. We offer beginner’s sessions and 4-week clinics (see below) for players new to the game.

You need to be an ANZA Member to play, and then you just need a Pickleball paddle, What to bring: towel, plenty of water, appropriate sporting attire, court shoes are recommended, otherwise minimally running shoes.

Pickleball Beginner’s Sessions

We also offer regular beginner’s sessions. Our specialist coaches want to spread their passion for this fast paced and unique sport. The emphasis is to have fun while you learn the game. These sessions are also great for players who want to refresh their Pickleball skills.

To join the Social Pickleball and Beginner’s groups register HERE and you will receive a link to join the WhatsApp groups to book into the weekly sessions.

Pickleball Clinics

The ANZA Pickleball Clinics are a 4-week programme designed for newcomers to the game wanting to learn the basic techniques of pickleball.

Email to register your interest for the May clinic.

Registration to ANZA Pickleball is only available to ANZA members. Click here to Join ANZA!