ANZA Scouts has four sections, open to girls & boys from 5-17. Each section runs activities tailored to the needs of the age group, which allows the kids to progress as they mature.
Joey Scouts (5-7 yrs)
Joeys are the youngest Scouts. If you are ready for school, you are ready for Joeys. We play games, sing songs, make things and focus on fun and looking after each other.
Cub Scouts (8-10 yrs)
Cubs go on hikes and camps, explore our community, play games, make things and earn badges along the way. It is a great way to make new friends for both kids and parents.
Scouts (10-15 yrs)
Scouts focus on the outdoors with camps, survival skills, bushcraft and adventure activities. They contribute to our community by taking part in service activities. Through the program, the Scouts develop leadership, teamwork and organisation skills through working in small groups and organising their own activities.
Venturers (15-17 yrs)
Venturers design and run their own program – doing things like mountain biking along jungle trails, full day hikes and camping in Malaysia’s National Parks. If you want more adventure, this is for you! Did you know: Venturers can qualify for International Baccalaureate CAS hours.